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  2. Interactive Quizzes with Edform

  3. By Edform Team

Education is changing, and so are approaches to lesson preparation. Technology is coming to the forefront and replacing traditional teaching methods. One of the interesting discoveries of the digital world is quizzes in the form of interactive worksheets, which you can create on Edform with no effort. 

What are quizzes?

Quizzes are a great alternative to the regular class for teachers, educators, and tutors. You can check students' level of understanding and increase their motivation to acquire new knowledge and general erudition.

Benefits of Quizzes in the online class

The Quiz intensifies thinking activity, especially such vital processes as thinking, analyzing, comparing, recalling, and identifying cause-effect relations.

Online quizzes have several advantages over any written or oral questions, namely:

  • They allow you to test your student's knowledge here and now, as well as assess the correctness of their answers;
  • A teacher can set the time limit; however, it is advisable to cut off the deadline for online practice. Students can study the question and give an answer when it is convenient;
  • The question itself and its answer options are always visible, so there is an opportunity to leisurely reread the question and options to give the only one correct answer;
  • The teacher chooses a topic or area of knowledge in which students are the strongest to check their understanding. Quizzes dramatically increase the motivation to learn;
  • Visualization of any knowledge is one of the best forms of memorizing the material.

Such quizzes might be arranged with the help of interactive worksheets. You can use Multiple Choice techniques or Drag & Drop, or others for the need. The exciting thing is that any Edform interactive element is suitable for making the Quiz.

Revision Quizzes Using Interactive Worksheets

The Quiz in pedagogy is one of the most important aspects of interactive child learning. The system applies not only to elementary school children but also to high school.  

The quizzes take part in a formative assessment throughout the semester. Tasks often do not cost a lot of points, but only ones will help the student see the level of his knowledge and the current moment. Despite this, quizzes are excellent at assisting the teacher in forming an opinion about the students' knowledge.

Practical tips

  • Skip boring worksheets and run a quiz that will cover the basics and pique students' curiosity with more challenging, intriguing questions in an interactive worksheet.
  • Make mini-tests a regular part of your lessons. This kind of regular assessment promotes daily learning more effectively than end-of-study testing, which causes a lot of stress and anxiety.
  • During the quizzes, ask general questions that reinforce the goals of your curriculum.
  • Give feedback after each Quiz.

Which Edform techniques to use:

  • Ask your students to recall important information with multiple-choice questions, such as solving a formula.
  • Ask students to find short answers. For example, names and dates using Fill-in-the-question.
  • Test students' understanding of complex concepts with open-ended questions.
  • Test your students' ability to organize information—for instance, order historical events or stages of the scientific method with Drag&Drop elements.

Make your interactive quiz on Edform right now!

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