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Name Date Principles of Ecology Section 2.1 Organisms and Their Relationships Main Idea Details Skim Section 1 of the chapter. Write two questions that come to mind from the headings and illustration captions. New Vocabulary Use the vocabulary words in the left margin to complete the graphic organizer below. List the biological levels from largest to smallest. abiotic factor Levels of Organization biological community biome biosphere biotic factor commensalism Compare the terms in the tables by defining them side by side. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, ecology habitat niche ecosystem habitat abiotic factor biotic factor mutualism niche parasitism population symbiosis predation commensalism mutualism parasitism symbiosis Inc. predation 12 Principles of Ecology
Name Date Section 2.1 Organisms and Their Relationship (continued) Main Idea Details Ecology Create a journal entry. Imagine that you are an ecologist. Choose I found this information one plant or animal in nature and write three relationships of that on page . organism in its environment. Journal Entry Date Organism 1. 2. 3. The Biosphere Sequence the abiotic and biotic factors. Write abiotic or biotic in I found this information each square. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, on page . 1. lack of 2. dry soil 3. certain rainfall plants die 6. the population 4. rivers 5. animals do of a species dry up not reproduce diminishes Levels of Identify each level of organization that is described. Organization a group of organisms of all the same species I found this information interacting populations on page . Inc. an individual living thing made of cells all the different populations in a community a large group of organisms that share the same climate and have similar types of communities Principles of Ecology 13
Name Date Section 2.1 Organisms and Their Relationships (continued) Main Idea Details Ecosystem Model a community with several organisms. Show two organisms Interactions occupying the same niche. Below your sketch, explain why those two organisms cannot usually occupy the same niche for long. I found this information on page . Community Rephrase mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism in your Interactions own words. Provide an example of each term. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, I found this information 1. on page . 2. 3. S UMMARIZE Bacteria live inside our bodies. Analyze helpful, neutral, and harmful things that bacteria do while living in our bodies. Incorporate the terms parasitism, mutualism, habitat, and niche in your discussion. Inc. 14 Principles of Ecology
Name Date Worms and Mollusks Section 25.1 Flatworms Main Idea Details Scan the illustrations and read the captions in Section 1 of the chapter. List three characteristics of flatworms that you discovered. 1. 2. 3. Review Vocabulary Use your book or dictionary to define acoelomate. acoelomate New Vocabulary Use your book or dictionary to define each term. flame cells Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, ganglion pharynx proglottid regeneration Inc. scolex 256 Worms and Mollusks
Name Date Section 25.1 Flatworms (continued) Main Idea Details Body Structure Summarize facts about flatworms in the table. I found this information on page . Size Range Number of Species Preferred Environments Adaptations for Movement of Free-living Flatworm Diet of a Free-living Flatworm Symmetry What Happens When Adaptations for Parasitic Free-living Flatworms Lifestyle Are Damaged Model a flatworm. Label at least nine body parts. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Worms and Mollusks 257
Name Date Section 25.1 Flatworms (continued) Main Idea Details Diversity of Identify the correct flatworm class for each characteristic below Flatworms and write it in the appropriate box. Some characteristics may I found this information belong in more than one class. on page . • parasitic • flukes • free-living • auricles • scolex • proglottids • eyespots • planaria Classes of Flatworms Trematodes Cestodes Turbellarians Model the life cycle of a fluke. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, CONNECT Identify and describe a human disorder that tapeworms and flukes can cause. Group Human Disorder Caused Inc. 258 Worms and Mollusks
Name Date Worms and Mollusks Section 25.2 Roundworms and Rotifers Main Idea Details Scan Section 2 of the chapter. Use the checklist as a guide. Read all the section titles. Read all boldfaced words. Look at all illustrations and read the captions. Think about what you already know about worms. Write three facts that you discovered about roundworms and rotifers. 1. 2. 3. Review Vocabulary Use your book or dictionary to define cilia. cilia Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, New Vocabulary Use your book or dictionary to define each term. Then write a sentence using the word to show its scientific meaning. hydrostatic skeleton trichinosis Inc. Worms and Mollusks 259
Name Date Section 25.2 Roundworms and Rotifers (continued) Main Idea Details Body Structure Organize information about roundworms by filling in the chart of Roundworms below. I found this information Phylum: Symmetry: on page . Habitats: Body shape: Food: Digestive tract of free-living forms: Circulatory and respiratory organs: Stimuli they can detect: Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Reproduction method: Type of fertilization: Analyze the movement of roundworms. Roundworm Movement Thrashing Movement Inc. Role of Pseudocoelom 260 Worms and Mollusks
Name Date Section 25.2 Roundworms and Rotifers (continued) Main Idea Details Diversity of Identify the roundworm that matches each description. Roundworms Animal Description I found this information most common roundworm parasite in the U.S. on page . enters the human body through bare feet world’s most common roundworm infection carried by infected, undercooked pork causes plant diseases mosquito acts as intermediate host Identify a negative and a positive effect of nematodes on plants. Negative: Positive: Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Rotifers I found this information Analyze the cilia of rotifers by completing the graphic organizer below. on page . Locations: Uses: 1. 1. Cilia 2. CONNECT Compare the digestive tracts of roundworms with those in free- living flatworms. What does the comparison suggest about the probable evolutionary history of roundworms? Inc. Worms and Mollusks 261
Name Date Worms and Mollusks Section 25.3 Mollusks Main Idea Details Skim Section 3 of the chapter. Write two questions that come to mind from reading the headings and illustration captions. 1. 2. Review Vocabulary Use your book or dictionary to define herbivore. herbivore New Vocabulary Use your book or dictionary to define each term. closed circulatory system gills Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, mantle nephridia open circulatory system radula Inc. siphon 262 Worms and Mollusks