2nd Quarter LEARNING MATERIAL IN GRADE 7-Enriched Science WORKSHEET 1: Measuring Length Name____________________________________ Section_____________________ Score____________________ Teacher__________________________________ Date_______________________ OBJECTIVES: Read and measure length. SCIENCE CONCEPT/S: In scientific measurement, length is the distance between two points. The SI unit of length is the meter (m). Metric ruler and metersticks are used to measure length. 100 centimeters (cm)= 10 decimeter (dm) = 1 meter(m) Task 1: Measurement Reading: Length Direction: Read the measurements marked with the arrow in the measuring tools in length. Take note of the numerical value and the unit used to get the accurate reading. A = ____________________mm B=____________________cm C=____________________ mm Prepared by: Ginarose V. Habal & Leticia B. Pinar
2nd Quarter LEARNING MATERIAL IN GRADE 7-Enriched Science WORKSHEET 1: Measuring Length Name________________________________ Section___________________ D=____________________ cm E=____________________ cm F=____________________ m G=____________________ m H=___________________ dm I=___________________ dm Prepared by: Ginarose V. Habal & Leticia B. Pinar
2nd Quarter LEARNING MATERIAL IN GRADE 7-Enriched Science WORKSHEET 1: Measuring Length Name________________________________ Section___________________ J=___________________ m Task 2: Measuring length Directions: Use either a meter stick or metric ruler to measure the following items in the room. You can move around the room if you need to. 1. Length of the small paper clip: cm 2. Width of the small paper clip: mm 3. Height of a room door: m 4. Length of student desk: cm 5. Thickness of science book: cm 6. Length of computer keyboard: cm 7. Length of new pencil eraser: mm 8. Thickness of a eyeglass case: mm 9. Length of the room facing 2 walls m 10. Distance of the cabinet/shelf to the table. m Scientific Measurement Lab by Jason Howe Prepared by: Ginarose V. Habal & Leticia B. Pinar