Worksheet Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

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Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Worksheet Name of Student …………………………………….. Class & Section ………………….. Match the following (use your finger tip and draw line to match the correct option) : Type of Vegetation Trees 1. Tropical Evergreen Forest Oak 2. Temperate Evergreen Forest Shisham 3. Mediterranean Vegetation Rosewood 4. Tundra Vegetation Eucalyptus 5. Temperate Deciduous Forest Olives Fill in the Blanks / Choose correct option from drop down list : 1. Coniferous forest are also called ………………………………. 2. Silver, Fox, Mink, Polar Bear are the common animals found in …………………………………… 3. Which vegetation is also referred as ‘Orchard of the world’ ? ………………………………………. 4. Trees in these forest shed their leaves in dry season. …………………………………………………… 5. Sal, Teek, Neem and Shesham are the example of …………………………………………………... Look at the image and identify the forest type : 1. Read the sentence and give your answer as TRUE or FALSE : 1. Elephants, zebras, giraffes, deer, leopards are common in tropical grasslands. 2. Prairie grasslands are situated in Africa. 3. Downs grasslands are situated in Brazil. 4. Only mosses, lichens and very small shrubs are found in Temperate Vegetation. 5. Temperate Evergreen Forests are commonly found along the eastern margin of the continents