Worksheet for Tenses of Verbs

  1. English
  2. 3 Grade
  3. Marjorie Salomon
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1 Choose the correct verb and write its past form.

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visit wait look plant start water 1. A lion _________ fruit trees on a hill.

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visit wait look plant start water 2 - 3. He ________ the fruit trees and _________ them.

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visit wait look plant start water 4. He ________ for the fruit trees to grow.

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visit wait look plant start water 5. Finally, the fruit trees _________ to bear fruits.

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2 Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence.

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1. I will (go, goes, went) to my friends house tomorrow.

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2. I shall (return, returns, returned) to our house because I need to get the keys.

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3. I will (buy, buys, bought) a dress for my sister.

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4. We will (study, studies, studied) in the library.