Use of English B2. U1.P1

  1. English
  2. 10 Grade-12 Grade
  3. Avatarkim nowicka
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Collocations/Expressions A Com plete the b lanks w ith the verbs go, come, reach or get. better to sleep revenge on sb’s nerves a decision rid of red off sb's back to terms with ready an agreement down to business into trouble the sack lost over the top dark in handy the job even with B Com plete the sentences w ith the co llocatio n s / expressions in the box below. Use each one o n ly once. in somebody's shoes on top of in search of on the safe side in charge of in trouble with 1 Mr Johnson is the company’s marketing department. 2 People who systematically cheat the tax system will one day be the Tax Department. 3 The doctor insisted that I should be given a thorough check-up just to b e __ 4 The children wandered around the neighbourhood_______________________ their lost dog. 5 Nobody would want to b e ___________________________ , not with all those debts he has to pay off. 6 After weeks of hard work, Kevin was confident he was finally the situation. C Com plete the collocation s below w ith the w ords in the box. You m ay use some of the words m ore than once. In some cases m ore than one w ord m ay be correct. bar bunch can clap flash flock pair pint set sheet swarm tube .of pyjamas .of paper .of scissors .of lightning .of soap of sheep .of beer . of sunglasses .of rules of traffic lights .of birds .of thunder . of flowers .of toothpaste of bees Phrasal Verbs Read the sentences on the left and m atch the phrasal verbs w ith th eir definition s on the right by w riting the correct num ber in the box next to each definition. A COME 1 While cleaning the basement, I came across something I thought I had lost stop by, visit years ago. inherit 2 Joe came into a lot of money, which changed his life completely. find by chance 3 Why doesn’t Julie come round to our place anymore? regain consciousness 4 The scientists took months to come up with a solution to their problem. be taken ill with 5 Richard came down with a bad cold the day before his exams. think of and suggest 6 It took the woman a few minutes to come round / to after she had fainted.

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unit 0 1 B GO move / travel around, visit 1 They decided to go ahead with their trip despite the bad weather conditions. match 2 Once you have finished cleaning, you can goon with your job. explode 3 The doctor wanted to go over the test results with his patient. 4 That tie goes with your suit nicely. start sth 5 Luckily no one was injured when the bomb went off. continue doing 6 While visiting Rome, we went round all the major archaeological sites. turn sour, start to decay 7 The child went through a lot before recovering completely. examine / discuss in detail 8 The milk went off after only an hour in the scorching heat. suffer 9 What’s going on in there? Open the door! happen C BE 1 What's on this weekend at the theatre? leave 2 We were promised that the hard times would be over soon. support, in favour of 3 I was about to leave home when some unexpected visitors arrived. end 4 I'm for the mayor's plan to relocate the town hall. be ready to 5 What are the boys up to? Don’t tell me they’re ruining the garden again! be shown / performed 6 I must be off now. My parents are expecting me for dinner. do (usually sth wrong) Words with Prepositions A Com plete the blanks w ith prepositions. Adjectives Nouns Verbs excellent an answer associate oraise sb sth experienced an expert concentrate sth provide sb sth haDDV sb (take) pride conaratulate sb sth provide sth sb haDDV sth a reply cooDerate sb succeed proud a report deal sudd Iv sb sth respected an opportunity include sudd Iv sth sb responsible B Read the fo llow in g sentences and com plete them w ith prepositions. 1 Congratulations Rodney! I'm so happy___________ you and your wife. 2 I would be more than happy to provide you___________ our company's catalogue. 3 We supply all major companies___________ our products. 4 She takes great pride___________ her work. That’s why she's the best in her field. 5 The government will provide housing___________ the homeless. 6 You shouldn't be proud___________ yourself. What you did was wrong! 7 The government supplied food and medicine___________ the victims of the hurricane. 8 The journalist was praised___________ his report____________ the starving children of Africa.

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unit0 1 Grammar Revision (Tenses) See G ram m ar R e v ie w page 147 ^ Read the text below and com plete each blank w ith one word. A ll m issing w ords are a u x ilia ry verbs (is, was, have, has, had, do, does, did etc.). My life (1)________________________ improved a lot since last year. You see, before : that I (2 )________________________ been working in the same job for five years and -4 fesh .w. I (3 )________________________ beginning to feel rather bored. I ( 4 ) ________________ getting ready to apply for another job when one day my boss called me into her office. "Our company (5 ) _____________________ planning to expand overseas," she said. "We ( 6 ) _________________________ thinking of starting with Spain, therefore we will ( 7 ) ________________________ needing some of our best employees to support our new branch there. ( 8 ) ___________________ you think you would be interested in a transfer?" Naturally I accepted, although at the time I ( 9 ) ________________________ not know that they (1 0 )_________________________ also going to promote me to assistant manager. By the end of this month, I will have (11)________________________ living in Madrid for a year. You can't imagine how exciting my life (12)________________________ become. B Pu t the verbs in brackets into the Past Sim ple, Past Progressive, Presen t Perfect Sim ple or Presen t Perfect Progressive and com plete the boxes w ith the tim e w ords below. Use each tim e w ord o n ly once. for while yet still when ago already since 1 M a ry________________________ (have) a bath yesterday evening, I was in the kitchen. I ________________________ (cook) her favourite dish because I _________________________ (want) to surprise her. s h e ________________________ (come) into the kitchen, she couldn't believe her eyes! 2 Jim: Mum, I ________________________ (look) for my black belt the past hour and I ________________________ (not find) it._________________________ you ________________________ (see) it anywhere? Mother: No, but I think you________________________ (lend) it to your brother about a week Jim: Oh, you're right. He________________________ (not give) it back to me. I bet he_________________________ (wear) it all week. Where is he now, Mum? Mother: I'm afraid Mark________________________ ________________________ (leave). He________________________ (get) up about an hour before you_________________________ (do). 3 I ________________________ (work) on this project this morning but I ________________________ (not finish) it . What am I going to tell my boss?

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unit 0 1 Examination Practice A Read the text below and th in k of the w ord w hich best fits each space. Use o n ly one w ord in each space. MONGY There is no doubt that money, in the form that we know it today, (1)_ what keeps modern economic life functioning. Yet, throughout history, money, in whatever form, has provided people (2)________________________ the ability to buy (3)_________________________ sell goods. Thousands of years (4 )________________________ , civilisations (5)_________________________ to rely on the barter system as a way of exchanging goods. Within this system a person had to exchange one thing for another. This meant that the two parties involved had to (6 )________________________ an agreement as to what they thought their products were worth. Items such (7)________________________ wheat, tobacco and livestock have all been used as money at one time or another. It was not until much later that humans came up (8 )________________________ the idea of money in the form of metal coins. So why (9 )________________________ the barter system come to an end? The answer is simple. Coins were much easier to handle and carry around. Since then, the use of coins has become widespread. It has made commerce simpler and has given countries an opportunity (10)________________________ development by doing business with other countries further afield, which they (11)________________________ never done business with before. In recent years, paper money has become more common all over the world, as it is easier to use. It (12)________________________ not be long, however, before plastic cards take over completely, replacing coins and paper money. 6 Com plete the second sentence so that it has a sim ilar m eaning to the first sentence, using the w ord given unchanged. You m ust use betw een tw o and five w ords, in clu d in g the w ord given. 1 We last went abroad a long time ago. not W e______________________ .a long time. 2 When did they start living in the suburbs? have How in the suburbs? 3 It's the first time she has ever had problems with the authorities, trouble She________________________________________________ with the authorities before. 4 When Carl was young, he went to a holiday camp every summer, used When Carl was young, he____________________________ . a holiday camp every summer. 5 After the earthquake, the government supplied food and medicine to the homeless, provided After the earthquake, the government______________________________________ .food and medicine. 6 Lucy hasn't visited me since February. was The last__________________________________________________________ in February. 7 How long has he had this car? bought How long__________________________________________________________ this car? 8 I haven't caught a cold for ages, down I last_________ .ages ago.