Unit 7 - Extra Practice - What is a timeline

  1. English
  2. 1 Grade
  3. AvatarAmbreen
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Na m e Date What�is�a�Timeline? A�timeline is a way to show how time passes. Timelines help us understand history. This timeline shows what happened in one hour at Ivan’s house before school. Look at the timeline and answer the questions. 7:00� am 7:15�am 7:30�am 7:45�am 8:00�am 1. What time did Ivan brush his teeth? __________________________________________________________. 7:15am / 7:15 / 7.15 2. Circle the event that happened first: making the bed getting dressed 3. What is the last event that Ivan completes before leaving for school? Use words and pictures. ____________________________________________________________________. eat breakfast Find worksheets, games, lessons & more at education.com/resources © 2007 - 2019 Education.com

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Na m e Date What�is�a�Timeline? Directions: Look at the types of transportation at the bottom of this page. When were these types of transportation used the most? Cut them out and put them in order on the timeline based on if they were used in the past or present. Then, draw what you think transportation will be like in the future. Past Present Future present present past past Find worksheets, games, lessons & more at education.com/resources © 2007 - 2019 Education.com