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Name Date Class Section 1 Quiz The Land MATCHING: Match each item in Column A with an item in Column B. Write the correct letters in the blanks. (10 points each) A B 1. desert with frequent dust storms A. South China Sea 2. island chain – B. Honshu 3. Japan’s largest island C. archipelago 4. body of water that was formed by tectonic activity D. Himalaya 5. separates China from South Asia E. Gobi MULTIPLE CHOICE: In each blank on the left, write the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. (10 points each) 6. Most of the mountainous islands of East Asia a. were formed by folds in the c. are inactive volcanoes. ocean floor. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. b. were formed only within the last d. are the product of volcanic activity. 500 years. 7. East Asia’s Ring of Fire is a a. single large volcano in an c. mountain range between China island chain. and Mongolia. b. place of frequent earthquakes d. devastating tsunami in 1901 that killed and active volcanoes. thousands of people. 8. Where is Mount Fuji located? a. South Korea b. the Philippines c. Japan d. Mongolia 9. China’s Yangtze River is the a. longest river in all of Asia. c. second-longest river in East Asia. b. longest river in the world. d. source of yellow-colored soil that it deposits along its banks. 10. Natural resources and productive farmlands are a. evenly distributed throughout c. hard to find in East Asia. East Asia. b. unevenly distributed throughout d. most abundant in the western sections East Asia. of East Asia. Section Quizzes and Chapter Tests 321
Name Date Class Section 2 Quiz Climate and Vegetation MATCHING: Match each item in Column A with an item in Column B. Write the correct letters in the blanks. (10 points each) A B 1. cold-water ocean current A. typhoon 2. brings snow and cold temperatures to Japan B. Kuril and the Koreas 3. producer of more than 80 percent of the C. winter monsoon rainfall in East Asia D. Hainan 4. violent storm 5. island with a tropical wet climate E. summer monsoon MULTIPLE CHOICE: In each blank on the left, write the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. (10 points each) 6. Typhoons are caused by a. the meeting of storm systems c. the interaction of ocean currents and Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. with high mountains. monsoon winds. b. wintertime currents of dry, d. an influx of tropical air from the cold air. northern Mongolian Plain. 7. East Asia’s support grasses and a few trees. a. tropical rain forest regions c. fertile coastal plains and river valleys b. inland steppe areas d. yurts 8. The Japan Current flows a. south and brings cold to the land. c. south and brings warmth to the land. b. north and brings cold to the land. d. north and brings warmth to the land. 9. The mulberry tree is important to East Asia because a. silk worms eat the leaves. c. mulberries help people live longer. b. the giant panda eats the mulberries. d. the leaves are used to brew tea. 10. What kind of climate is found in the southeastern quarter of East Asia? a. steppe c. tropical dry b. marine west coast d. humid subtropical 322 Section Quizzes and Chapter Tests
Name Date Class Section 1 Quiz China MATCHING: Match each item in Column A with an item in Column B. Write the correct letters in the blanks. (10 points each) A B 1. valley where China’s culture began A. Han 2. once a Buddhist kingdom B. Qing 3. large urban center in China C. Tibet 4. last ruling dynasty in China D. Shanghai 5. ethnic group to which most Chinese people belong E. Wei River MULTIPLE CHOICE: In each blank on the left, write the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. (10 points each) 6. Most Chinese inhabit the a. interior areas of the country. c. western regions of the country. b. island of Honshu –. d. valleys and plains of China’s three great rivers. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 7. When Western traders tried to set up trading in China, a. China refused to trade. c. China welcomed the traders. b. China used powerful warships d. China traded only silk and tea. to keep traders away. 8. Most Chinese people live and work a. in large cities. c. on farms. b. in southern China, near Tibet. d. on islands along the coast. 9. Today, the economics of China and Taiwan a. remain independent of each other. c. are intertwined. b. are tied together by investments. d. rely occasionally on each other. 10. What has China done to limit population growth? a. introduced a policy that allows a c. denied health care to people who family to have only one child have children b. introduced a policy that allows a d. allowed families to have only as many family to have only two children children as they can support Section Quizzes and Chapter Tests 331
Name Date Class Section 2 Quiz Japan MATCHING: Match each item in Column A with an item in Column B. Write the correct letters in the blanks. (10 points each) A B 1. Japan’s aboriginal people A. Ainu 2. series of cities along the Pacific coast of Honshu B. Shintoism 3. Japan’s first shogun – C. Tokaido– corridor 4. ancient religion that reveres nature D. haiku 5. a form of Japanese poetry E. Minamoto MULTIPLE CHOICE: In each blank on the left, write the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. (10 points each) 6. Japanese people experience acculturation, or a. the spreading of Japanese c. the absorption of popular culture culture to other countries. from another country. b. the destruction of Japanese culture. d. the isolation of Japanese culture. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 7. Although an emperor officially ruled Japan, after A.D. 1192 the samurai a. did little to influence how Japan c. helped powerful shoguns govern was governed. the country. b. took over the country for their d. fought many wars with other own personal gain. countries. 8. In Japan, increased life expectancy a. has improved the health c. is due to insurance provided by the care system. government. b. has put a strain on the health d. is the result of Western influence. care system 9. Most people in Japan live a. in coastal urban areas. – c. on the northernmost island, Hokkaido. b. in the mountainous interior. d. in river valleys. 10. During the Meiji Restoration, a. the shoguns ruled Japan with c. many clans ruled Japan. the support of the samurai. b. Japan’s government rapidly d. Japan adopted China’s philosophy, modernized the country. writing, and governmental structure. 332 Section Quizzes and Chapter Tests
Name Date Class Section 3 Quiz North and South Korea MATCHING: Match each item in Column A with an item in Column B. Write the correct letters in the blanks. (10 points each) A B 1. city in South Korea A. Hermit Kingdom 2. nickname for Korea during the 1800s B. Seoul 3. leader of a military coup in South Korea C. Major General Park Chung-Hee 4. pale green glaze used on vases D. Kim Jong Il 5. leader of North Korea E. celadon MULTIPLE CHOICE: In each blank on the left, write the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. (10 points each) 6. During the Korean War, the United States a. fought on the side of South Korea, c. demanded that the United Nations against communist North Korea. cease being involved in the conflict. b. remained neutral despite d. tried to unite Korea under the rule of international pressure to intervene. North Korea’s government. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 7. The philosophy of Confucius became the model for a. Korea’s arts. c. communism in North Korea. b. Korea’s government. d. communism in South Korea. 8. In the 1800s, European countries used their military force to trade with the Korean Peninsula. This was called a. “military rule.” c. “colonialism.” b. “gunboat diplomacy.” d. “occupation.” 9. Which neighboring country occupied Korea from the 1200s to the 1300s? a. Japan c. China b. Mongolia d. Tibet 10. Korea was divided into North Korea and South Korea a. when China seized control of c. after World War II. the country. b. during the Sino-Japanese War. d. after China lost control of Korea. Section Quizzes and Chapter Tests 333
Name Date Class Section 1 Quiz The Economy MATCHING: Match each item in Column A with an item in Column B. Write the correct letters in the blanks. (10 points each) A B 1. Chinese territory and a major trading center A. Taiwan 2. places high taxes on many imported finished goods B. Great Leap Forward 3. campaign in the 1950s to organize Chinese C. Japan farmers into huge farming communities 4. international response to the Tiananmen Square D. Macau action by the Chinese government 5. has a successful export-based economy E. economic sanctions MULTIPLE CHOICE: In each blank on the left, write the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. (10 points each) 6. South Korea after the Korean War. a. suffered an economic depression c. rapidly moved from an industrial to an agricultural nation Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. b. rapidly moved from an agricultural d. completely stopped exporting to an industrial nation products 7. In recent years the United States has tried to a. stop Japanese exports completely. c. persuade Japan to export a much larger quantity of goods. b. stop importing goods to Japan. d. persuade Japan to open its markets to more imports. 8. Most of the roads in Mongolia are a. paved two-lane highways. c. unpaved. b. large modern freeways. d. impassable during a large part of the year. 9. China and North Korea a. control access to the Internet. c. urge citizens to explore foreign news sources on the Internet. b. encourage everyone to use d. supply every school with computers the Internet. and modems. 10. Most South Korean farmers work on a. large, cooperative farms. c. farms with little or no machinery. b. farms that are very far from d. small family farms. their homes. Section Quizzes and Chapter Tests 343
Name Date Class Section 2 Quiz People and Their Environment MATCHING: Match each item in Column A with an item in Column B. Write the correct letters in the blanks. (10 points each) A B 1. a huge wave that can cause massive damage A. supertrawlers 2. site of disastrous earthquakes in 1999 B. acid rain 3. water-related pollution from burning coal C. Taiwan 4. East Asian leader in developing engines with no emissions D. Japan 5. discouraged due to overfishing E. tsunami MULTIPLE CHOICE: In each blank on the left, write the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. (10 points each) 6. How do China, North Korea, and Mongolia produce their electric power? a. primarily from hydroelectric dams c. primarily by burning coal from their own reserves b. from nuclear power plants d. by importing coal and petroleum Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 7. Since the 1970s the Japanese government has a. encouraged industries to c. banned any industry that pollutes ignore pollution. the environment. b. encouraged industries to d. been criticized for not dealing harshly curb pollution. with pollution problems. 8. Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea draw of their power from nuclear plants. a. between 30 and 40 percent c. none b. between 10 and 15 percent d. all 9. Because two-thirds of China’s cities lack fresh water a. water is imported from c. people must boil their water before other countries. drinking it. b. population is strictly limited in d. water treatment plants are being some locations. built quickly. 10. One positive step being taken in China to deal with environmental concerns is a. planting trees on deforested land. c. offering money to people who use less electricity. b. a decrease in recycling. d. building new power plants. 344 Section Quizzes and Chapter Tests