Unit 28 - Practice Book page 137-139

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Practice Literary Elements: Name Meter and Rhyme Scheme The rhyme scheme of a poem is the pattern of rhymes at the end of each line. The poem’s meter is the way that accented and unaccented syllables are arranged in the poem. You can think of it as the poem’s rhythm. 1. Read the following limerick by Edward Lear. Circle the rhyming words at the end of each line. Then put an a next to the first set of rhyming words and a b next to the second set of rhyming words to identify the poem’s rhyme scheme. There was an Old Man with a beard, Who said “It is just as I feared! feared!— Two Owls and a Hen, Four Larks and a Wren, Have all built their nests in my beard!” 2. Read the first line of the poem. How would you describe the meter of this line? 3. Now write your own limerick below. © Macmillan /McGraw-Hill At Home: Have the student explain the rhyme scheme and Adelina’s Whales meter for the limerick above. Grade 4/Unit 4 137

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Practice Name Vocabulary Strategy: Homographs Homographs are words that have the same spelling but different meanings. They may also have different pronunciations. Read the list of homographs and their meanings. Then read the sentences and decide the meaning of the underlined homograph. Write the letter of the correct meaning in the blank next to the sentence. dove – a. past tense of dive b. a kind of bird fluke – c. part of a whale’s tail d. something lucky 1. The whale splashed the surface of the water with its fluke. 2. The eagle dove for its prey. 3. It was a fluke that my mother won the game. 4. The bird watchers saw a mourning dove sitting in a tree. Pick another homograph. Write one sentence for each meaning of the word. 5. 6. © Macmillan /McGraw-Hill At Home: Together with the student, think of another Adelina’s Whales 138 Grade 4/Unit 4 homograph pair. Are the pronunciations different or the same?

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Practice Name Phonics: /oi/ and /ou/ Sounds The /oi/ sound can be spelled with oi as in foil or with oy as in boy. The /ou/ sound can be spelled with ou as in couch or with ow as in now. Keep in mind, though, that not all words containing oi have the /oi/ sound and not all words spelled with ou and ow have the /ou/ sound. In each row of words below, there is one word that does not belong. If the word does not have the same sound as the others, make an X over it. If the word is a homograph, sometimes pronounced like the other words and sometimes pronounced differently, put an asterisk (*) next to it. Then on the blank line, add another word that belongs with the group you made. 1. joy foil employ o onion on onion 2. bow allowed south outside 3. coil destroy oil going goin ng 4. mouth doubt through hro ou ugh how 5. broil i doing spoil noise 6. sow tower frown sprout 7. couch dou u ugh gh dough cloud crowd 8. enjoy soil shoo oing oing shooing toys © Macmillan /McGraw-Hill 9. now enough ou enough crown proud 10. brow cow w ow low down 11. annoy voices boil porpoise p hou thou u ught ght 12. thought shower loud trout At Home: Have the student write a silly poem using Adelina’s Whales some of the oi and ou words from the above list. Grade 4/Unit 4 139