The Rise of Christianity

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List at least one Roman achievement:

  • Religion in Rome was polytheistic and based upon the Greek gods

  • Emperors were mostly tolerant of other religions, but expected everyone who lived in the empire to respect the Roman gods as a sign of loyalty

Religion in the Roman Empire:

  • In 63 B.C., the Romans conquered the Hebrew kingdom of Judea and allowed "Romanized Jews" ( who showed respect and obeyed Roman laws) to govern Judea

  • But, the Hebrews were monotheistic and many refused to pay respect to the Roman gods

  • Many Hebrews began to resist Roman rule and believed that God would send the Messiah to restore the kingdom to the Jews

The birth of Jesus and the beginning of Christianity

Sometime between 6 and 4 B.C. in Judea, a Jew named Jesus was born; many considered Jesus to be the Messiah

At the age of 30, Jesus began preaching a unique version of Judaism that became known as Christianity

The teaching of Jesus

  • Jesus did good works, performed miracles, and delivered his religious teachings

- Jesus preached a religion based on the Jewish belief in one god (monotheism)

- Jesus taught that he was God's son and that God would rid the world of evil

- He taught of God's mercy, love, and forgiveness towards others, and eternal life in heaven for those who repent for their sins

- he based much of his good works on the Ten Commandments

  • Many Hebrews in Judea did not accept the idea that Jesus was a Messiah & accused him of blasphemy (contempt for God)   

  • Roman leaders feared Jesus’ growing popularity 

  • In 29 A.D., Jesus was arrested for defying Roman authority & was crucified

After Jesus’ death, Paul helped spread Jesus teachings throughout the Roman Empire 

Christianity spread quickly due to roads, numerous trade routes, & common language throughout the Roman Empire