  1. Science
  2. 6 Grade
  3. Maria Princess Cruz
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Technique in separating mixture from a less- dense substance from a DECANTATION denser one.

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Technique in separating a soluble solid from a liquid. EVAPORATIO

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Technique in separating mixture by using filter paper and mesh cloth. FILTRATION

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PICKIN G- the technique in separating mixture by using our hands or any

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SIEVIN G - the process of separating mixture from big to fine components using strainer or fine

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CHROMATOGRAPH Y -The process of separating the components of a mixture based in the ability of each components to be drawn across the surface of other materials using white paper or

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DISTILLATIO N water, - Pure distilled water, and ethanol came from this technique of separating mixture

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GUESS ME! Click the correct separating method that will be used in the mixture.