
  1. Mathematics
  2. 5 Grade
  3. Zora Sherman
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Name: Date: Rounding Around the World Rounding Rules • If the number you are rounding is followed by: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 -- round the number down. [Example: 233 rounded to the nearest 10 = 230] [Example: 233 rounded to the nearest 100 = 200] • If the number you are rounding is followed by: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 -- round the number up. [Example: 277 rounded to the nearest 10 = 280] [Example: 277 rounded to the nearest 100 = 300] Remember these rules with this fun saying: “4 or less, let it rest. 5 or more, raise the score.” Directions: Round to the nearest ten. 1. 781 ____________ 2. 566 ____________ 3. 792 ____________ 4. 847 ____________ 5. 423 ____________ 6. 984 ____________ 7. 618 ____________ 8. 914 ____________ Directions: Round to the nearest hundred. 9. 755 ____________ 10. 554 ___________ 11. 897 ___________ 12. 391 ___________ 13. 649 ___________ 14. 735 ___________ 15. 162 ___________ 16. 405 ___________ Copyright © 2017 LLC All Rights Reserved More worksheets at