- Geography Ngô Hồng
Geography of Europe Chapter Exam Which of the following describes the flow of people into, out of, and inside Europe? 1. More people are leaving Europe, and people More people are entering Europe, and people are flowing from east Europe to west. are flowing from west Europe to east. More people are entering Europe, and people More people are leaving Europe, and people are flowing from east Europe to west. are flowing from west Europe to east. More people are entering Europe, and people are flowing from north Europe to south. 2. Which of the following is a major CURRENT natural resource of Europe that is a significant part of the economy? Europe contains a large number of oil fields. Europe contains many precious metals that haven't been tapped. Europe has an abundance of cheaply Europe's climate is mild and great for available coal and iron-ore. farming. None of the other answers are correct.
3. There are a lot of plants and animals in Europe, but there once were many times the current number. Why is this? The soil isn't as high quality as it used to be. Human activities have pushed plants and animals to extinction. This is called the Holocene extinction. Human activities have pushed plants and Animals have moved to other parts of the animals to extinction. This is called the world. Hologram extinction. All answers are correct. 4. Which parts of Europe have the most wetlands? The northeast The south The southwest The southeast The northwest Which of the following is NOT a major historical factor in the positioning of borders 5. and political boundaries in Europe? Natural barriers like rivers and mountains are The aftermath of World War I, where the harder to conquer with an army. Ottoman & Hungarian Empires were split up. Ideological boundaries between the Soviet There is generally only one group that has a Union and the west. legitimate ancestral claim to a piece of land, and that group fights for it harder. The historical wars between France, England, and Spain.
What is the European Union? 6. None of the other answers are correct. A group of countries who work on military campaigns together. An economic, but NOT political union of 28 A political and economic union of 28 member member states, that promotes free trade and states, that promotes free trade and cooperation. cooperation. A political, but NOT economic union of 28 member states, that promotes free trade and cooperation. What is the Euro? 7. A single, common currency used by Shorthand for Europe European Union countries An ear infection A single, common currency used by some countries in Europe A single, common currency used by ALL countries in Europe Approximately what percentage of the GDP does manufacturing account for in the 8. EU? 12% 2% 73% 0% 25%
9. What is the most common belief system in Europe? Mysticism Islam Christianity Atheism/Agnosticism Judaism 10. Which of these groups of countries is richest in total (not per person)? Switzerland, Luxembourg, & Norway Russia Spain, Italy, and Greece The UK, France and Spain Germany, France, the UK 11. What is a landform? None of the answers are correct. Any natural feature of the Earth's surface The contours of the Earth's surface: Any feature of the Earth's surface (including mountains, hills and valleys artificial ones) The shape of the mountains
12. Which of the following is NOT a landform? Mountain River Coastline Canal Valley 13. What is climate? None of the other answers are correct. The weather conditions on a particular day. The average or general weather conditions of The average or general weather conditions of an area, taken over a long period of time. an area hundreds of years ago. Weather of any kind. 14. In what part of Europe would you find tundra? The far northeast All of the northeast The far southwest Western Europe Eastern Europe
15. When compared to the United States, which of the following is NOT an accurate cultural comparison? European culture is more liberal and European culture is more laid-back. emphasizes strict adherence to human rights laws. European culture has stronger taboos about alcohol consumption. European culture is less materialistic. European culture is less individualistic. What is the main use of land in Europe? 16. Wilderness Agriculture Forest Housing Cities/urban areas Which of the following is NOT a concern many people in Europe have about the EU? 17. The need to bail out poorer countries during That it doesn't have enough power to be the financial crisis. effective. The loss of sovereign rights and control. General sentiment against foreigners (including racist views). Uncontrolled immigration from poorer countries, especially in Eastern Europe.
Which of the following is NOT something that Europeans gained from the Romans 18. (including the Roman Empire)? Ideas about how to organize and run an The concepts of democracy and citizenship empire Ideas about military force, especially how to Ideas about national government use the military outside of your borders Ideas about the rule of law 19. Which of the following is the tallest mountain in Eastern Europe (NOT counting Russia, Turkey or Georgia)? Mount Elbrus The Danube Kekes Musala Mount Korab Which of the following is the most common religion/denomination in Eastern 20. Europe? Muslim Eastern Orthodox Christians Catholic Christians Agnostic/Atheist Protestant Christians
What are human geographical characteristics of the Earth? 21. The features of a geographical caused by The features of a geographical not caused by humans, including mountains, valleys, rivers humans, including cities, towns dams, roads, and lakes and communication links The features of a geographical caused by The features of a geographical not caused by humans, including cities, towns dams, roads, humans, including mountains, valleys, rivers and communication links and lakes None of the answers are correct 22. What is the largest city in the geographical continent of Europe? London Paris Istanbul Berlin Moscow 23. Within Europe, which of the following describes European migration patterns? More net migration west to east (from richer More net migration west to east (from poorer countries to poorer ones) countries to richer ones) More net migration east to west (from richer None of the answers are correct. countries to poorer ones) More net migration east to west (from poorer countries to richer ones)
24. What seasonal migration occurs in Europe? Migration south during the summer because Migration north during the summer because of tourism of tourism Seasonal migration is random and in all Poor workers moving around, following directions wherever the jobs are No seasonal migration 25. How does life in western European cities compare to other parts of Europe? None of the other answers are correct. Much faster paced and more stressful. Life in the city involves far more hospitality. Much slower paced and less stressful. Cities don't observe siestas. 26. What is the primary religious group in eastern Europe? Islam Atheism/agnosticism Catholic Christianity Protestant Christianity Eastern Orthodox Christianity
Geography of North America Chapter Exam 1. The predominant religions of North America are Polyandrous Polygynous Monotheistic Polygamous Polytheistic 2. Which of the statements is true? Modern Mexico has not been influenced by Only the U.S. has been influenced by Europe. Europe. All of North America has been influenced by Only Canada has been influenced by Europe. Europe. There is no European influence in Central America.