Latin II: Midterm Review: Wheelock’s Chapter 1

  1. World Languages
  2. 10 Grade
  3. Cody Butler
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Provide the following forms: 1. You (sg.) are strong ___________________ 2. Call! (pl.) ___________________ 3. They warn ___________________ 4. We praise ___________________ 5. He ought to save ___________________ Translate the following into English: 1. Monēre _______________ 2. Laudant _______________ 3. Amō _______________ 4. Debēs _______________ 5. Vidēmus _______________ 1. The infinitive form of a verb is best described as? a. Conjugated with a personal ending b. “To” form of a verb c. Command form of a verb d. Case ending 2. The imperative form of a verb is best described as? e. Conjugated with a personal ending f. “To” form of a verb g. Command form of a verb h. Case ending 3. The verb “laudat” is best described as? i. Conjugated with a personal ending j. Infinitive k. Imperative l. Case ending

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servāte Person Number Tense Mood Voice 1st Singular Present Indicative Active 2nd Plural Future Imperative Passive 3rd Imperfect Subjunctive Perfect Future Perfect Pluperfect Translation debent Person Number Tense Mood Voice 1st Singular Present Indicative Active 2nd Plural Future Imperative Passive 3rd Imperfect Subjunctive Perfect Future Perfect Pluperfect Translation dāre Person Number Tense Mood Voice 1st Singular Present Indicative Active 2nd Plural Future Imperative Passive 3rd Imperfect Subjunctive Perfect Future Perfect Pluperfect Translation

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