Latin I: Unit 3

  1. World Languages
  2. Avatarkim nowicka
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Latin I: Trimester 1 Midterm Part I. Grammar 1. John smacked Hercules. a. John is the subject of the sentence b. Hercules is the subject of the sentence c. Smacked is the subject of the sentence 2. Ceres embraced Proserpina. a. Ceres is the Direct Object b. Proserpina is the Direct Object c. Embraced is the Direct Object 3. Hades kidnapped the poor girl. a. Hades is the verb b. The poor girl is the verb c. Kidnapped is the verb Add a check to each pronoun in the list. Leave any words that are not nouns blank. I juggle we y’all green clock him

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Part II. Vocabulary a. 1. panis/panem b. 2. vinum/vinum c. 3. piscis/piscem 4. caro/carnem d. e. 5. caseus/caseum 1. I am telling you, we need a vacation. a. ego b. nos c. vos 2. I am tired of carrying sacrifices to the temple of Juppiter. a. ego b. nos c. vos 3. Did you all see Mary get eaten by the lions in the colosseum? a. ego b. nos c. vos

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Part III. Translation Directions: for each of the following questions, choose the correct translation of the Latin sentence. 1. Ceres filiam habet. A. Ceres has a daughter B. The daughter has Ceres 2. Pluto est rex inferorum. A. Pluto is a bad king. B. Pluto is king of the underworld. 3. Ille videt Proserpinam et amat. A. I see Proserpina and fall in love. B. He sees Proserpina and falls in love. 4. Ceres Proserpinam quaerit. A. Ceres searches for Proserpina B. Proserpina searches for Ceres 5. Omnes florent, omnes sunt felices. A. Everyone is a flower, everyone is a feline. B. Everything flowers, all are happy.

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Part IV. Derivatives 1. Because the Romans built such a great aqueduct system so many years ago, the fountains still have fresh drinking water today. a. Government c. Postal system b. Water-carrying system d. Roads 2. My sister ordered salmon instead of a burger for dinner because she is a pescatarian. a. Someone who loves peas c. Someone who only eats fish b. A vegetarian d. Someone allergic to cows 3. Most carnivores have very sharp teeth so they can cut through raw meat. a. caterpillars c. Vegetables b. Sharks d. Meat Eaters 4. Emperor Commodus was so egotistical that he had many statues made of him as a god.. a. Obsessed with one’s self c. Rich b. Spiritual and Religious d. Lonely 5. My mother’s dinner was barely edible, so I ordered pizza instead. a. Hot c. something you can eat b. On time d. Poisonous plant

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Part V. Culture Directions: drag and drop the elements of the Ceres and Proserpina story in the correct order from beginning to end. (1 is the first even, 5 is the last) 1 2 3 4 5 1. The Romans believed in heaven. a. true b. false 2. Romans thought the afterlife was a place of peace and relaxation. a. true b. false 3. Tartarus is the region of severest punishment. a. true b. false

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Part VI. Speaking Directions: Record yourself reading the following passage out loud in the best possible Latin pronunciation you have. Practice a few times under your breath before trying. Ceres est dea frumenti. Ceres filiam habet. Proserpina est filia Cereris.Pluto est rex inferorum. Ille videt Proserpinam et amat. Proserpina est regina inferorum. Illa est tristis. Ceres Proserpinam quaerit. Illa Proserpinam non invenit. Proserpina matrem spectat. Ceres filiam spectat. Ceres et Proserpina sunt felices. Ceres et Proserpina domum eunt. Omnes florent. Omnes sunt felices.

Hold and speak