- Religious Studies
- 12 Grade Wilbert Cabuhat
BUNSURAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 13. A worldview of religion a belief that there are many gods. Bunsuran I, Pandi, Bulacan A. Polytheistic B. Monotheistic SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL C. Monistic D. Atheistic Introduction to World Religion and Belief Systems SUMMATIVE TEST #1 14. __________ a fully inetgrated view of life. A. Quest for meaning B. Holistic Click on circle with the corresponding correct answer. C. Quest for the sacred D. Atheistic 1. It is the philosophical study of the meaning and nature of 15. Beliefs about God. religion. A. Quest for meaning B. Holistic A. Religion B. Theology C. Quest for the sacred D. Atheistic C. Spirituality D. Philosophy of Religion 16. Quest for ________ including the purpose of life. 2. The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, A. meaning B. worshipped especially a person God or gods. A. Religion B. Theology C. existence D. Sacred C. Spirituality D. Philosophy of Religion 17. Religion can be defined as a belief in God or gods to be 3. The study of the nature of God and religious beliefs. _________, usually expressed in conducts and rituals. A. Religion B. Theology A. meaning B. worshipped C. Spirituality D. Philosophy of Religion C. spirituality D. Sacred 4. The quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul, as 18. _________ is the quality or fact of being spiritual, non- opposed to material or physical things. physical A. Religion B. Theology A. meaning B. worshipped C. Spirituality D. Philosophy of Religion C. spirituality D. Sacred 5. Faith based on a series of beliefs but not formalized into a 19. Religion is a set of beliefs and rituals that put a person religion. in a right relationship with God or gods. A. Religion B. Belief System A. True B. False C. Worldview D. Philosophy of Religion 6. It is the basic assumption about reality which lies beyond the 20. Spirituality is more of a character focused on spiritual beliefs and behavior of a certain culture. things. A. Religion B. Belief System A. True B. False C. Worldview D. Philosophy of Religion 21. Suggests a self-reflective existence is an element of 7. It is a particular philosophy of life or conception of the world. spirituality. A. Religion B. Belief System A. True B. False C. Worldview D. Philosophy of Religion 22. Understanding the worldview of each of the major 8. It is also a coherent set of beliefs prevalent to a community of religions is not critical in appreciating their rituals and society. practices. A. Religion B. Belief System A. True B. False C. Worldview D. Philosophy of Religion 23. Text or scriptures is an element of religion. 9. It includes the analyses of religious concepts, beliefs, terms, A. True B. False arguments, and practices of religions adherents. A. Religion B. Belief System C. Worldview D. Philosophy of Religion 24. An effort to elevate the whole self to a higher dimension of existence is not an element of religion 10. A worldview of religion where a belief that all is one. A. True B. False A. Polytheistic B. Monotheistic C. Monistic D. Atheistic 25. Religion is a framework of transcendent beliefs. A. True B. False 11. A worldview of religion where a belief that there is no god. A. Polytheistic B. Monotheistic HONESTY is not a policy but a virtue from C. Monistic D. Atheistic the Divine Law that must rule the heart. 12. A worldview of religion a belief that there is only one God. Let your mind yield its best. A. Polytheistic B. Monotheistic C. Monistic D. Atheistic