Hellenism Alexander the Great Day 2

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Who was Alexander the Great's father?

A) Philip II of Macedon

B) Darius III

C) Ptolemy I

D) Aristotle

Which famous philosopher was Alexander the Great's tutor?

A) Socrates

B) Plato

C) Aristotle

D) Herodotus

Alexander The Great

  • Alexander began his conquest by crushing a Greek revolt in Thebes; He ordered the death of 6,000 people & sold everyone else into slavery; His brutality convinced other Greeks to not rebel

Alexander set his sights on the Persian Empire & began his attack by conquering Egypt; Egyptians viewed Alexander as a liberator

Alexander Conquers India and Persia

  • In 331 B.C., Alexander attacked & defeated the mighty Persian army led by King Darius III

  • Alexander led his army to conquer India; After taking the Indus River Valley, Alexander’s troops begged him to return home after 11 years away from their homes while conquering the empire 

By 323 B.C., Alexander had conquered a massive empire & began plans to govern & unify his kingdom, but he fell ill & died at the age of 32

Alexander left behind an important legacy: He spread Hellenic (Greek) innovations & culture throughout his empire

  • In each territory he conquered, Alexander left behind a Greek-styled city named Alexandria

When Alexander died without an heir, his empire was divided among his top 3 generals

Alexander's empire was the largest of the classical era, but it was short-lived (13 years) &  was never unified or governed