Impacted Cerumen is when earwax (cerumen) blocks the ear canal. It can cause temporary hearing loss and ear pain. Otitis Media (middle ear infection) is an inflammation or infection located in the middle ear. This can occur as a result of a cold, sore throat, or respiratory infection. Common Eye Conditions and Diseases Strabismus (crossed eyes) a visual disorder in which the eyes appear to be misaligned and point in different directions. Xerophthalmia was a result of vitamin A deficiency. Lack of vitamin A can dry out your tear ducts and fails to produce tears. Hyperopia (Far-sightedness) is when you see things that are far away better than things that are up close. Myopia (near-sightedness) is a condition when eyes find it hard to see distant objects, like highway signs, but easy to see things up close. Astigmatism is the case where light rays entering the eyes are not uniformly focused on the retina. This can cause headaches, eye strain, and seriously blurred vision. Activity 1 Write H on the space before the number if the following is a condition related to height, W for weight, HR for hearing, and V for vision problems. _____1. Otitis Media _____6. Strabismus _____2. Xerophthalmia _____7. Stunted growth _____3. Impacted Cerumen _____8. Myopia _____4. Astigmatism _____9. Swimmer’s Ear _____5. Obesity ____10. Hyperopia Page 2 of 4
Activity 2 Draw a smiley face if you think the statements are correct ways to manage common personal health issues and concerns and sad face if it is NOT. _____1. Sanitize your hands before touching your eyes. _____2. Always eat too much meat and foods with sugar if you are an underweight person. _____3. Visiting eye doctor is only for those with severe diseases in the eye. _____4. Doing regular exercise and playing sports can prevent obesity. _____5. Using of soft and clean cloth in cleaning the outer part of the ear instead of cotton buds. Activity 3 Write True if the following statements are correct and change the underlined word that makes the statement incorrect. Write your answer on the space before the number. _____1. Astigmatism can cause headaches, eye strain, and seriously blurred vision. _____2. An inflammation or infection located in the middle ear is called Myopia. _____3. Lack of vitamin C can dry out your tear ducts and causes failures to produce tears. _____4. Stunted growth is when a child has a low height for their age. _____5. Crossed eyes visual disorder is also called Strabismus. _____6. Myopia is a condition when eyes find it hard to see closer objects. _____7. Eating junk foods will help us maintain a healthy weight range. _____8. Impacted cerumen can cause temporary hearing loss and ear pain. _____9. Hyperopia is when a person sees things that are up close. _____10. Otitis Media is the inflammation in the outer ear. Page 3 of 4
References: Compendium of Notes in MAPEH: Deped Tarlac Province Health 6 Self Learning Module Quarter 1-Lesson 1 Prepared by: GERZIEL R. FACUN Grade 6 Teacher District Quality Assurance Team: ROWENA M. AUSTRIA DIANA V. FACUN DIANA I. UGAY, Ed.D. Language Evaluator Content Evaluator Format and Design Evaluator Master Teacher I District MAPEH Specialist Principal II Approved: WILLY T. PARTIDO Public Schools District Supervisor Page 4 of 4
References: Compendium of Notes in MAPEH: Deped Tarlac Province Health 6 Self Learning Module Quarter 1-Lesson 1 Prepared by: GERZIEL R. FACUN Grade 6 Teacher District Quality Assurance Team: ROWENA M. AUSTRIA DIANA V. FACUN DIANA I. UGAY, Ed.D. Language Evaluator Content Evaluator Format and Design Evaluator Master Teacher I District MAPEH Specialist Principal II Approved: WILLY T. PARTIDO Public Schools District Supervisor Page 4 of 4
References: Compendium of Notes in MAPEH: Deped Tarlac Province Health 6 Self Learning Module Quarter 1-Lesson 1 Prepared by: GERZIEL R. FACUN Grade 6 Teacher District Quality Assurance Team: ROWENA M. AUSTRIA DIANA V. FACUN DIANA I. UGAY, Ed.D. Language Evaluator Content Evaluator Format and Design Evaluator Master Teacher I District MAPEH Specialist Principal II Approved: WILLY T. PARTIDO Public Schools District Supervisor Page 4 of 4
References: Compendium of Notes in MAPEH: Deped Tarlac Province Health 6 Self Learning Module Quarter 1-Lesson 1 Prepared by: GERZIEL R. FACUN Grade 6 Teacher District Quality Assurance Team: ROWENA M. AUSTRIA DIANA V. FACUN DIANA I. UGAY, Ed.D. Language Evaluator Content Evaluator Format and Design Evaluator Master Teacher I District MAPEH Specialist Principal II Approved: WILLY T. PARTIDO Public Schools District Supervisor Page 4 of 4