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Name Date Class Section 3 Quiz The Northeast MATCHING: Match each item in Column A with an item in Column B. Write the correct letters in the blanks. (10 points each) A B 1. center where cultures developed and spread A. qanat outward B. Sunni 2. underground canal built by the Persians 3. mud-brick temple built by Sumerians C. culture hearth 4. wedge-shaped symbols written on clay tablets D. ziggurat 5. branch of Islam practiced by most Turkish Muslims E. cuneiform MULTIPLE CHOICE: In each blank on the left, write the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. (10 points each) 6. The ancient civilization that developed along the eastern Mediterranean coast around 3000 B.C. and traded widely across the Mediterranean is the Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. a. Sumerians. b. Phoenicians. c. Persians. d. Ottomans. 7. Many alphabets used in much of the Western world today are based on the alphabet developed around 3000 B.C. by the a. Sumerians. b. Phoenicians. c. Arabs. d. Persians. 8. In 1979 Iran’s secular government was overthrown during the a. Arab-Israeli war. c. Communist Revolution. b. Islamic Revolution. d. Ottoman Empire. 9. Which ethnic group, settled in the border areas of Turkey, Iraq, and Iran, does not have their own country? a. Turks c. Shiites b. Mesopotamians d. Kurds 10. The natural boundary between the countries of Iraq and Iran is formed by the a. Atlas Mountains. c. Euphrates River. b. Zagros Mountains. d. Persian Gulf. Section Quizzes and Chapter Tests 215
Name Date Class Section 4 Quiz The Arabian Peninsula MATCHING: Match each item in Column A with an item in Column B. Write the correct letters in the blanks. (10 points each) A B 1. territories ruled by an Islamic religious leader A. Ibadhism 2. countries like Kuwait and Qatar, ruled by princes B. shari’ ah 3. Islamic Law based on the Quran C. emirates 4. sect that advocates the literal teachings of the Quran D. sheikhdoms 5. Muslim group that chooses their ruler by communal consensus and consent E. Wahhabi MULTIPLE CHOICE: In each blank on the left, write the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. (10 points each) 6. The majority of the population of the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Kuwait are a. citizens. c. bedouin. b. foreign workers. d. Saudis. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 7. Population densities in some Saudi Arabian cities and oases can be a. 30 people per square mile c. 376 people per square mile (11 per sq. km). (146 per sq. km). b. 80 people per square mile d. 2,600 people per square mile (32 per sq. km). (1,000 per sq. km). 8. What is a hajj? a. a type of law based on the Quran c. a pilgrimage to Makkah made by most Muslims b. a ruling family in a constitutional d. a Muslim from South Asia working principality on the Arabian Peninsula 9. What is the literacy rate in Bahrain? a. 29 percent c. 69 percent b. 49 percent d. 86 percent 10. Because of the principles of Islam, a. mosques and palaces on the c. architecture is the only art form Arabian Peninsula are undecorated. on the Arabian Peninsula. b. Muslim artists work in geometric d. there are no artists on the patterns and floral designs. Arabian Peninsula. 216 Section Quizzes and Chapter Tests
Name Date Class Section 5 Quiz Central Asia MATCHING: Match each item in Column A with an item in Column B. Write the correct letters in the blanks. (10 points each) A B 1. predominant ethnic group in Afghanistan A. al-Qaeda 2. a trading station on the Silk Road B. Pashtun 3. group of Afghan freedom fighters C. mujahideen 4. fundamentalist Islamic group that occupied Afghanistan D. Samarqand 5. terrorist network led by Osama bin Laden E. Taliban M U LT I P L E C H O I C E : In each blank on the left, write the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. (10 points each) 6. Most people in Georgia are a. Muslims. c. Hindus. b. Taoists. d. Christians. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 7. What was the Silk Road? a. a trade route connecting the c. a sea route connecting China Arabian Peninsula with North Africa with the Arabian Peninsula b. a trade route connecting the d. a trade route connecting China North Sea with the Baltic Sea with the Mediterranean Sea 8. Because Armenia is a Christian country surrounded by Muslim countries it is called a(n) a. enclave. c. anomaly. b. exclave. d. subculture. 9. Health care in Central Asia has been lacking since the breakup of the Soviet Union because a. Central Asian countries have c. Central Asian countries have too many elderly people. many doctors and hospitals. b. Central Asian economies cannot d. Central Asian people are traveling adequately fund health care. to Western Europe for health care. 10. What languages are spoken by most people in Central Asia? a. a form of Arabic c. a form of the Turkic languages b. Russian d. Georgian Section Quizzes and Chapter Tests 217