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Formative worksheet Third Culture Kids
11 Grade
Graça Afonso
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1. they recognise that while this is a privilege, it is a responsibility
2. they are curious about human cultures, the environment and economics
3. who aligns with being worldly, travelling across the globe
4. Travel is a great way to explore and experience different places and cultures first-hand
5. It is about understanding and implementing a set of shared values that are priceless
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1. they recognise that while this is a privilege, it is a responsibility
2. they are curious about human cultures, the environment and economics
3. who aligns with being worldly, travelling across the globe
4. Travel is a great way to explore and experience different places and cultures first-hand
5. It is about understanding and implementing a set of shared values that are priceless
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1. they recognise that while this is a privilege, it is a responsibility
2. they are curious about human cultures, the environment and economics
3. who aligns with being worldly, travelling across the globe
4. Travel is a great way to explore and experience different places and cultures first-hand
5. It is about understanding and implementing a set of shared values that are priceless
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