Food math

  1. Mathematics
  2. 5 Grade
  3. Zora Sherman
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Name Date GUIDELINES & CONVERSIONS Two ways to measure food are in volume (e.g., cups) and weight (e.g., ounces). 1 American cup is equivalent to 8 ounces. DAILY GUIDELINES BY FOOD TYPE: Grains 6 ounces (oz.) 12 12 Vegetables 2 cups (c.) Fruit 2 c. Bear is hungry and wants to enjoy a balanced meal! Dairy 3 c. Can you use your math skills to design today’s menu Protein 5 oz. for him using the daily guidelines shown to the right? Put a B for breakfast, L for lunch, D for dinner, and S for snack next to the items you choose. You can select an item more than once. Just make sure the totals for the day match the guidelines listed above! GRAINS Total: 6 oz. PROTEIN Total: 5 oz. 1 slice bread = 1 oz. 1 handful of nuts = 2 oz. 12 VEGETABLES Total: 2 c. 5 crackers = 1 oz. 1 bowl of pea soup = 2 oz. 12 c. baby carrots 1 bowl of cereal = 1 oz. 1 dollop nut butter = 1 oz. 1 ear of corn = 1 c. 1 bowl of rice = 1 oz. . 1 chicken leg = 3 oz. 1 baked potato = 1 c. 1 bowl of pasta = 2 oz. 1 small burger = 3 oz. 1 sweet potato = 1 c. 1 bread bun = 2 oz. 1 slice lunchmeat = 1 oz. 1 c. lettuce 1 handful of popcorn = 1 oz. 1 c. broccoli FRUITS Total: 2 BONUS! 12 c. DAIRY Total: 3 c. 1 small apple = 1 c. Bear would like a treat after dinner. Select one dessert for him: 1 c. milk 1 large orange = 1 c. 12 1 slice honey cake c. yogurt 1 c. grapes 1 scoop honey ice cream 1 c. American cheese 1 peach = 1 c. 12 1 spoonful of honey 1 c. cheddar cheese c. raisins 12 1 c. feta cheese 1 wedge cantaloupe = c. 1 c. fortified nut milk 1 wedge watermelon = 1 c. Find worksheets, games, lessons & more at © 2007 - 2021