Final NMT Preparation for Teachers Test

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NMT Hacks and Tricks Final Test

1. What is one method suggested for helping students guess unknown words from a text?

A. Provide the definition immediately

B. Ask them what they think the word means

C. Skip over the word if it’s too difficult

D. Use the dictionary for every unknown word

2. Why is teaching listening and speaking still important for NMT preparation, even though these skills are not directly tested?

A. Listening and speaking skills aren't important at all

B. These skills help with vocabulary building only

C. NMT preparation also involves preparing students for using the language in real-life situations

D. It helps students become better readers

3. Which of the following is NOT a stage in working with listening tasks according to the text?

A. Pre-listening activities

B. Listening only once

C. Using the script as a reading text

D. Playing the recording and asking students to report

4. What factor is crucial for student motivation during NMT preparation?

A. The number of practice tests

B. The emotional state and energy of the teacher

C. The difficulty of the materials used

D. The number of students in the class

5. Which of the following is NOT an element of intrinsic motivation?

A. Autonomy

B. A clear goal

C. Action skills

D. Extrinsic rewards

NMT Hacks and Tricks Final Test

6. What is the correct order of stages of learning for adult learners?

A. Unreasonable optimism → Reasonable optimism → Reasonable pessimism → Unreasonable pessimism

B. Unreasonable pessimism → Reasonable pessimism → Unreasonable optimism → Reasonable optimism

C. Unreasonable optimism → Unreasonable pessimism → Reasonable pessimism → Reasonable optimism

D. Reasonable optimism → Unreasonable pessimism → Unreasonable optimism → Reasonable pessimism

7. According to the text, what is important for motivating teenage learners?

A. Offering rewards for high grades

B. Building rapport and addressing their basic needs like safety and respect

C. Giving them complete independence

D. Having fewer lessons

8. What is one hack for establishing a connection with teenage learners?

A. Conducting formal assessments from the first lesson

B. Keeping group chats alive with memes, songs, and videos

C. Asking only academic-related questions in class

D. Avoiding games or fun activities

9. Why might teenagers lack motivation, according to the text?

A. They have already mastered the material

B. Their teachers do not provide enough challenges

C. They have poor physical condition or negative experiences from the past

D. They are not interested in learning new things

10. What is an effective way to engage teenagers in learning, based on the text?

A. Focusing only on grammar drills

B. Creating lessons and activities that reflect their personal interests

C. Giving them more homework

D. Encouraging competition between students