At the end of this module, you are expected to:
7. What is the title of the book? A. English Book B. 2 C. John P. Reyes 8. . Who is the author of the book? A. English Book B. 2 C. John P. Reyes 9. Who is the illustrator of the book? A. 2 B. English Book C. Marie R. Santos 10. What part of the book is this? A. Title B. Spine Index A story is the telling of an event whether written or spoken. It has four elements the theme, setting, characters and plot. Directions: Identify the elements of the story. Color the correct box red for each number. 1. Ted character events 2. Sunday Evening setting character 3. Outside the house theme setting 4. Love setting theme 5. We celebrate independence event theme day every 12th of June. 1
Try to Answer! Directions: Answer the questions below. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank before the number __1. Who is the speaker? A. Hucky B. Bookly C. Happy __2 What is the outside part of his body? A. title B. spine C. cover __3. What do you call the part that connects front and back cover? A. title B. spine C. cover __4. Where can you find the author’s name and illustrator’s name? A. title B. spine C. front cover __5. How can you protect its bod? A. Do not read it. B. Put it in a trash. C. Clean it as you do 5
DIRECTIONS: Cut out the labels below and paste them in the correct boxes. Ask for help from your parents or guardian. cover pages author spine illustrator title front cover back cover 7
A. DIRECTIONS: Read each item. Choose the letter of the correct answer by writing it on the blank before the number. __ 1. It is the outside part of the book. A. Pages B. cover C. glossary __ 2. It is the book’s name. It always appears near the top of the book’s cover. A. title B. cover C. glossary __ 3. It is the part of a book which connects the front cover and back cover. A. title B. spine C. author __ 4. It is the person who draws the pictures in the book. A. Author B. illustrator C. cover __ 5. It looks like a simple dictionary inside the book. A. Index B. glossary C. pages B. DIRECTIONS: Identify the part of the book as described in each sentence. Choose the correct answer inside the box. Write it on the blank before the number. Author Table of Contents Glossary Index Body 1. He or she is a person who writes the book. 2. It is the list down of the topics alphabetically. 3. It is the chapter titles and the page number where you can find the content. 4. It is the simplified dictionary. 5. It contains the story and information. SENEN L. BONUS Writer Validated by: 9 IRENE BANIQUED RODORA DE LUNA JESSCA INOCANDO MARY GRACE BUBAN DR. CHRISTIAN JAY Y. ILAGAN Education Program Supervisor in English