  1. Music
  2. 6 Grade
  3. Kevin Magangi
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MUSIC YEAR VI STUDENT NAME ……………………………………………………………………………………… INSRUCTIONS: Answer all questions Submit your paper within the time given. Cheating in exams is strictly prohibited QUESTIONS: 1. Music is a very important art that involves many different components to make a song to be so much interesting. Name any four components of music (4mks) 2. Singing with expression is encouraged in music because it makes the song to be very good, dynamic is one of the expressions in music. Give any other two expressions. (2mks)

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3. When different pitches are played together so that they are pleasant to the ear is one of the basic components of music. Is it harmony, texture , or structure?(1mk) 4. In music there are different types of songs depending on how they are performed and where they are played. Name three types of songs.(3mks) 5. Songs are accompanied with different types of musical instruments that help to build up rhythm of the song. Name any three musical instruments. (3mks) 6. What is solo singing?(1mk) 7. (a) Lullaby songs are very special and are sung to a specific group. Which group is that? (1mk) (b) Give any three uses of lullaby songs.(2mks)

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8. What are sacred songs?(1mk) 9. Making up your own music is called music composition. How do we call people who write music?(1mk) 10.(a) What is a folk song?(1mk) (b) Folk songs usually belong to specific ethnic groups, name two communities in Kenya that are well known for folk songs. (2mks) 11.Dancing is important during performance of music. Name three importance of dancing during music performance. (3mks). 12.We need to preserve the songs so that the future generations can get them as well as we can listen them during our free time. Which two methods do we use to preserve songs? (2mks)

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13. Music contains different types of notations. Name the following notations (3mks) 14. The East African anthem is very important and key to the East African Community and Africa as large. (a) Give any four occasions where the East African Anthem is sung (4mks). (b) Give any four importance of the East African anthem to the East African Community (4mks).

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15.Rhythm and pulse are good in music and are the foundations of every song. (a) What is rhythm? (1mk). (b) What is pulse? (1mk).