Deceptive online trickery

  1. Other
  2. 9 Grade-12 Grade
  3. Suzy Chelsey
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Name: 1. Setting up a fake online presence to attract attention for a specific purpose. 2. Implied causal relationship between events that are coincidentally linked. 3. We interpret and value information that matches our pre-existing beliefs. 4. Artificial intelligence is used to create video images that can be combined and superimposed onto existing videos. 5. Algorithms surround us with opinions we know we agree with and we aren’t given the chance to consider opposing viewpoints. 6. Incorrect information spread intentionally. 7. Sensationalized “teaser” links, titles, or thumbnails that manipulate our inquisitive natures. 8. Algorithms learn your point of view and gradually push more and more extreme content to anger and shock you. 9. Incorrect information spread by mistake. 10. An environment where a person only encounters beliefs that coincide with their own so their biases are reinforced; alternative ideas-even facts-are not considered.