Context Clues Water Cycle

  1. English
  2. 4 Grade
  3. Lindsey Castillo
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Select which context clues give a hint to the meaning of each of these words. 1. cycle A. …can’t see it… B. …on the earth… C. …series of events goes round and round… 2. vapor A. …through this cycle… B. …a gas… C. …liquid water… 3. evaporate A. ,,,heat is added to water… B. …heat is taken away… C. ,,,turning from liquid into gas… 4. condense A. …turning from gas into liquid… B. …it freezes... C. …turning from liquid to solid… 5. particle A. …tiny… B. …create… C. …becomes.. 6. precipitation A. ...particles of water… B. …rain or snow… C. …absorbed in the ground… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7. What context clue gives you a hint to the meaning of the word “constantly”? Online reading & math for K-5 ©

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Answer Key 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. …always… Online reading & math for K-5 ©