
  1. English
  2. Laura Gako
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Name: Date: Missing Letters Fill in the missing syllables. Use the word bank below. 1. multi _ _ _ 13. han _ _ _ 2. nib _ _ _ 14. tum _ _ _ 3. can _ _ _ 15. snug _ _ _ 4. fid _ _ _ 16. bat _ _ _ 5. a _ _ _ 17. puz _ _ _ 6. sensi _ _ _ 18. driz _ _ _ 7. drib _ _ _ 19. ma _ _ _ 8. snif _ _ _ 20. pud _ _ _ 9. fraz _ _ _ 21. trem _ _ _ 10. baf _ _ _ 22. sta _ _ _ 11. sta _ _ _ 23. tem _ _ _ 12. scrib _ _ _ 24. jin _ _ _ able fiddle nibble snuggle baffle frazzle puddle stable battle handle puzzle staple candle jingle scribble temple dribble maple sensible tremble drizzle multiple sniffle tumble Consonant-le Syllable BOOKWORM ACTIVITIES