CAE Made Easy

  1. English
  2. University
  3. Lau Lopez
Best for asynchronous learning and homeworkAssign in student-paced mode
Best for live in-class or video conferencing lessonsStart teacher-led lesson
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Please complete this diagnostic test to check your knowledge on phrasal verbs.

By the end of this activity 1 the student will be able to distinguish between transitive and intransitive phrasal verbs

Listen to the following about about transitive vs intransitive phrasal verbs. You can listen to the audio as many times as you want.

Practice: Please choose transitive or intransitive

This english lesson will give you a chance to brush up on your english knowledge.

Practicing every day Brings about espertise.

He carried on despite the divorce.

Yesterday, I came across my old teacher.

She came up with a great idea for the marketing campaign.

I´m trying to cut down on the amount of sugar I eat.




Evalua esta plataforma en la primera liga.

Haz clic en la liga abajo para entrar

Haz clic en la primera liga para hacer tu evaluación final

Haz clic en la liga abajo para entrar