Area of Self

  1. Arts
  2. Melva Guerra
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Emergency Self-Care When you are faced with a crisis, you likely won’t have time to create a coping strategy. Take time to develop a plan in advance so it’s there when you need it. Try completing the following table to help identify your unique self-care needs during times of distress. Emergency Self-Care Helpful (What To Do) Harmful (What To Tools Avoid) Relaxation/Staying Calm Which activities help you to relax (e.g. deep breathing, taking a walk)? Which activities make you more agitated or frustrated (e.g. yelling, swearing, or drinking)? Self-Talk Helpful self-talk may include, “I am safe/I can do this.” Harmful self-talk may include, “I can’t handle this/I knew this would happen/I deserve this.” Social Support Which family members and friends can you reach out to for help or support? Which people should you avoid during times of stress? Be honest about who helps and who zaps your energy. Mood Which activities support a positive mood (e.g. listening to uplifting music, enjoying the sunshine)? What should you avoid when times get tough (e.g. staying in bed all day, avoiding social activities)? Resilience What, or who, helps you to get through difficult times? What helps you bounce back? Conversely, what or who feeds negativity for you?

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My Daily Self-Care Plan Body Mind Spirit Emotions Relationships Work My top three positive coping strategies My Emergency Self Care Plan

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