Name: _______________________ Select the word that is spelt correctly in each row. ovar over ovor oevr shark shrak sarhk sherk thangs thnigs things tnhigs dtae deta date dite after aftar atfar aftor plcae pleac palce place sorvices sarvices services servcies consamer cunsumer consumer comsuner producer preducer produser prodocer breght bright brihgt britgh resource rasource risource resuorce country cauntry conutry counrty oceon ocoen ocean ocuen barth brith borth birth yollow yelolw yellow yelluw cycle cylce cycel cykle mihgt might maght meght graat graet great greot throogh through thorugh throguh sibtract sobtract subtract subtrcat
Put these words in alphabetical (abc) order ship car train bus hand eye mouth foot badger bear bobcat bluebird pear plumb pineapple pumpkin club clay clever clip thorn thimble throw thaw Match the words in Column A with its synonym in Column B Column A Column B breeze tell angle dirt duffel dress collide lost large grade frock wind misplaced clash say sack rank slant grime grand