Absolute Value

  1. Mathematics
  2. 7 Grade
  3. Jordan Cotten
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ANSWER KEY Absolute Value Find the absolute values. a. |-4| 4 b. |26| 26 c. |-18| 18 d. |-3| 3 e. |-44| 44 f. |65| 65 g. |-99| 99 h. |-6| 6 i. |-128| 128 j. |28| 28 Compare. Use <, >, or =. k. |-4| < |-5| l. 17 = |-17| m. |29| = |-29| n. 58 < |-59| o. 30 > |-28| p. |-7| > 0 q. |86| > |-68| r. |14| > -14 s. |-156| < |-165| t. |3| = |-3| The equation |x| = 100 has two solutions. x = -100 and x = 100 Write two solutions for each variable in the equations below. u. |a| = 7 a = -7 and a = 7 v. |p| = 41 p = -41 and p = 41 w. |y| = 256 y = -256 and y = 256 Super Teacher Worksheets - www.superteacherworksheets.com