- Fun Glassy English Learning
GOAL CHECK Give Personal Information
Write your information (or make some up).
1. What is your first name?
2. What is your last name?
3. What is your date of birth?
GOAL CHECK Give Personal Information
Write your information (or make some up).
4.What is your country of Birth?
5. What is your village of Birth?
6. What is your province of Birth?
GOAL CHECK Give Personal Information
Write your information (or make some up).
7. What is your mom first name?
8. Who is your teacher? (use her/his last name)
9. What is your nationality?
Correct the following errors by writing the sentences correctly.
10. my name's maria.
11. i'm from new york.
12. my birthday is in september.
Correct the following errors by writing the sentences correctly.
13. he speaks english and italian
14. asunción is in paraguay
15. is he english?
Correct the following errors by writing the sentences correctly.
16. mrs. astudillo is my teacher.
17. my favorite city is bogotá.
18. i go to study every monday, wednesday, and friday.
Correct the following errors, add the punctuation.
19. Whats your name
20. my names henry
21. im from the us
Correct the following errors add the punctuation.
22. is your job easy
23. no it isnt its very diffivult
24. is it interesting
Correct the following errors add the punctuation.
25. yes i am
26. i love my job
27. no she is not